Hello friends, and BOO!  Ha ha!  Got’cha, didn’t I ….?

Things are getting pretty exciting around the old homestead, as we prepare for Halloween!  The spooky decorations are up, the trick-or-treat candy has been bought, and Gaston has selected his costume.  It took him a long time to make his decision.  He is such a picky alligator.  I suggested that he costume as Jean Lafitte, because he saw the pirate’s ghost last week.  But Gaston protested that it would get cumbersome carrying a sword between his teeth all night.  Good grief man, I thought!

Then I suggested maybe he could be the Loup Garou … you know, the Werewolf that haunts the sugar cane fields in Cajun country.  His little alligator ears pricked up when he heard about this!  Gaston told me that since he’s from the swamp, he didn’t know anything about sugar cane field monsters.  Ooooh, he said!  Tell me more.   I said, well, there’s just one thing … the Loup Garou is kinda stupid, and easily distracted.  He cannot count any higher than 12 – funny, huh!?  So, if he’s about to attack someone, they just put 13 rocks in a circle and ask him to count them. He can’t do it.   Ha, ha!

YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, GASTON YELLED!!!  I am  NOT going to costume as anything stupid!  I HAVE MY PRIDE.  How dare you!!  He approached me, and hollered I FEEL LIKE COMING OVER THERE AND BITING YOU!!!

Ooooooo, I’M SORRY!!!!!! I shouted!!!  PLEASE DON’T BITE ME!!!!  He apologized for getting so upset, and I accepted.  Whew!  That was close.

So, we went back to the drawing board …

Gaston finally decided on being a black widow spider, since it’s so easy.  We just have to make four more legs and attach them.  I’ll paint him black and attach a red plastic plate to is back.  He’ll look sensational!!!

Sign up to take a food tour with The Premier New Orleans Food Tour today!  We are locally owned, and take a personal interest in each of our guests.  Our tour guides are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and FUN!  They will impart stories of our history and culture, and how our local foods such as Jambalaya and Gumbo came to us.

Remember too that our tour is great for groups!  Birthdays, anniversaries, team building, family reunions, out of town friends and families – they will love it!

